Friends of Harry James: No, I’m not claiming I started the pro-democracy movement in the Middle-East! Only this: that I emphasized -- in a course dedicated to “World Ideas” – those concepts that most strongly supported personal freedom, human rights and rebellion against illegitimate government. In short, I am proud of the fact that before anything was heard publicly about a fall of a tyrant in Tunisia, I was quizzing my students here in the principality on (among other things) Rousseau's famous treatise concerning the basis of legitimate government. This is an excerpt from a final exam I gave January 17 at UAEU in Al Ain, UAE. The students’ interesting answers I reserve for another time.
Part IV. JJ Rousseau & the Enlightenment Period
A. Reading #1 (5)
"It is my wish to inquire whether it be possible, within the civil order, to discover a legitimate and stable basis of government. This I shall do by considering human beings as they are and laws as they might be." –From The Social Contract
Comment & interpretation (5) More of realism or idealism? Why is the word legitimate important?
(space in which to write)
B Reading #2
"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Many a man believes himself to be the master of others who is, no less than they, a slave. How did this change take place? I do not know. What can make it legitimate? To this question I hope to be able to furnish an answer." –From The Social Contract
Vocab/key terms. Give the definition in the context of the passage (2 pts each)
a free__________________________________________ (2)
b slave_________________________________________ (2)
c legitimate (edited) __________________________ (2)
C. Comment & interpretation: (10) What typical ideas or ideals do we find from Enlightenment period in this passage? Find at least two ideas/ideals.
(space in whh to write)
D. In what way does JJR’s style compliment his ideas? (2)