Colorful cramped Old Delhi

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Salient Sallies in NYT Syria Blog Aug 29, 2012

Some comments from NYT discussion of "Syrian Rebels Get Arms..." Aug 29th
I like BR's comment with its terse ironic summary of the situation which in a way made mine unnecessary -- but you know how it is in the heat of battle, people fire off simultaneous shots. Similarly the email of Dan Stackhouse on Syria could come directly from my mind! I feel so grateful I always want to contact him directly. Now I regret penning under "Ex Expat " ---! No more friends & others. I'm ceasing being incognito.

And hey my comment was honored by a "PICK"!  First time!
yr struggling far flung correspondent
Ex - Ex Expat (James)

  • ttBR
  • Times Square
I don't understand these comments.

Have some of you heard of the Arab Spring? Tunisia? Libya? Egypt? Yemen?

This is not the hand of Israel. This is not the hand of Turkey, Russia, China, the USA, the West, etc.

This is the hand of the Syrian people. Who no longer want to live under an authoritarian regime.

Stand with the Syrian people. Or get lost in paranoid delusional thinking about the world you live in.

It's funny. In the ME for nearly two years, political revolutions have been taking place; the Arab man in the street dared to speak out, to say no to a series of dictators - Ben Ali, Mubarek, Qadaffi and the Yemeni guy -- now a similar logic is working itself out in Syria whose tyrant has decided to to resist - many NY Times readers seem to be perversely ignorant of this context which creates the overwhelming assumption that the Syrian despot will have to go too. The other thing that puzzles me about so many of these correspondents is their thoughtless parroting of the Basher line -- the use of the Basher's label "terrorists" hints at the source of this point of view. Anyone who condemns “terrorists” without condemning the state terror of Basher’s army and secret police is mindless or worse. Any rational person would be suspicious of a man who blocks the press, doesn't allow free reporting or free speech but is nevertheless clearly seen to be a blood thirsty tyrant. Those decrying "fascism" in the rebels also have it clearly wrong; the fascist is the absolute tyrant Big Brother Basher. Let's help the courageous worthy rebels ovethrow him and make this a better world.