Colorful cramped Old Delhi

Monday, October 11, 2010

Liu Xiaobo wins Nobel Peace Prize

A Chinese friend writes about Liu Xiaobo and his response to receiving the Nobel Peace Prize:

He was sentenced to 11 years on Dec 23, 2009 for drafting Charter 08 (which was published on Dec 10, 2008, 60th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and several other major anniversaries).

His wife is a banner of human rights movements too, who advised him not to write Charter 08 (after Havel's Charter 1977). She did not mind him signing the original charter 08 drafted by others. However, Liu felt obligated to improve the wording, and in the end the entire Charter.

So, this is his major piece, which Voice of America has the full English text:

I compared with Chinese, it's not verbatim, but enhanced slightly by Perry Link, Professor of Chinese Literature at the University of California, Riverside.

He was a visiting scholar in the US during June 4, 1989 movement, and went back to Tiananmen Square in Beijing. He was the four intellectuals who participated the movement. He tried to reach reconciliation between students and the government.

Here's a wiki entry:

After his receiving the harsh prison term, US embassy site in China posted a major link at its main Chinese web page a yellow ribbon. Hillary made speeches. And the White House and DoD approved a major arms sale to Taiwan in Jan 2010 (the other major trigger for this arms sale was Chinese Premier Wen's arrogance toward Obama and Hillary in global environment summit in Copenhagen Nov 2009).


The source who prefers to be anonymous added today:

The twitter thing is all in Chinese. Liu Xiaobo's wife Liu Xia -- her last name happens to be Liu as well -- has this twitter address:

Latest update:


Liu Xia: [We] met for 1 hour, in Jinzhou Prison. The prison [authorities] told him on [Oct] 9th. He said when meeting me: "The prize is for all those who died. They practiced the spirit of peace, democracy, freedom and non-violence with their lives." He burst into tears when mentioning "those who died."

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