Colorful cramped Old Delhi

Monday, December 15, 2008

One Shoe Over Bush Couscous Fest?

If only Bush had been eating couscous at the time of the incident. The joke is an attempted but failed pun on the title of a famous Ken Kesey novel -- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I only wish I could have added my own shoe or both... to Bush's rear. I hope they don't punish the guy. His heart was in the right place.

As a far flung friend commented (see comments), it would be nice if Bush provided more entertainment of the same kind. That got me thinking: hmmm, could we get Bush to give soem more speeches, say, at an International Shoe Manufacturers Conference, for example, or tour more countries where shoe symbolism is prevalent (Thailand, China, Japan for starters).

See also today's NYT with N. Kristoff's suggestion that -- in the wake of a Saudi Arabian offer of $150,000 for the thrown shoe -- the US treasury raise money to pay off American's debts by auctioning off shoes that have been thrown at (and autographed by) Bush at special fund raising events.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A friend wrote:
"Dear Jim, I mean Harry,
Nice nom de plume.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if Bush doesn't get the hint (and doesn't disappear) and continues the public humiliations for a while."

This suggests to me that to keep the fun going Bush could be invited to give some more farewell speeches starting with an International Shoe Manufacturer convention or the like.